So you received your tin. Now what? Here's how we make the optimal tea latte.
1. In a matcha bowl, sift in 3.5-4g of matcha with 30mL of hot -- not boiling -- water. We recommend 75°C to avoid those unpleasant bitter notes and really let that famous umami flavour shine.
2. Whisk in Z and O shapes until the tea is fully incorporated and becomes frothy. Make sure you scrape the sides to avoid any unpleasant clumps and get the full flavour of your tea.
3. Add a sweetener of your choice and whisk again to incorporate. We recommend adding 10-15mL of a liquid sweetener (i.e. simple syrup, agave, maple, honey) or 5g of sugar to matcha for a lightly sweetened finish that balances the rich, vegetal flavours of the tea, but this step is entirely based on your preference!
4. Pour over ice and your milk of choice or pair with steamed milk and enjoy!
1. Add 3.5-4g of hojicha to your matcha bowl and add 30mL of hot water. Hojicha is not quite as delicate as matcha, but we still want to avoid any bitterness -- we recommend 90°C.
2. Whisk in Z and O motions to combine until the tea is fully incorporated and frothy. Don't forget the sides of the bowl to avoid any clumps or waste!
3. Add a sweetener of your choice and whisk again to incorporate. We recommend adding 15-20mL of a liquid sweetener (i.e. simple syrup, agave, maple, honey) or 10g of sugar to balance that roasty, earthy flavour, but this step is entirely up to you! Sweeten to your liking.
4. Pour over ice and your milk of choice or pair with steamed milk and enjoy!